12 de Agosto 2008

Torta Clifford

Torta Clifford Amigaluna.jpg

Escrito por AmigaLun@ a las 12 de Agosto 2008 a las 10:28 PM

Gerardo,Tan subjetiva como pueda preecar esta pregunta, pero en fin, es un buen tema de blog...Podrias darnos tu percepcion del ranking de la calidad de los journals de economia en el mundo, en EEUU, y en Latinoamerica-Mexico?Siguiendo este argumento, que es mejor para un economista mexicano, publicar en Mexico en un buen journal mexicano, o en EEUU en un journal "regular"?Como es percibido en EEUU que un aspirante a academico publique en los journals latinoamericanos? Saludos, y seguimos en contacto;Jorge Moreno

Escrito por Gabriel a las 3 de Julio 2014 a las 12:38 PM

Here is some info I found on throat cnaecr since she is having her thyroid removed, I am assuming its thyroid cnaecr ..Thyroid cnaecr is unique among cnaecrs. In fact, thyroid cells are unique among all cells of the human body. They are the only cells that have the ability to absorb iodine. Iodine is required for thyroid cells to produce thyroid hormone, so they absorb it out of the bloodstream and concentrate it inside the cell.Most thyroid cnaecr cells retain this ability to absorb and concentrate iodine. This provides a perfect chemotherapy strategy. Radioactive Iodine is given to the patient with thyroid cnaecr after their cnaecr has been removed. If there are any normal thyroid cells or thyroid cnaecr cells remain in the patient's body (and any thyroid cnaecr cells retaining this ability to absorb iodine), then these cells will absorb and concentrate the radioactive poisonous iodine. Since all other cells of our bodies cannot absorb the toxic iodine, they are unharmed. The thyroid cnaecr cells, however, will concentrate the poison within themselves and the radioactivity destroys the cell from within. No sickness. No hair loss. No nausea. No diarrhea. No pain.Most, but not all, patients with thyroid cnaecr need radioactive iodine treatments after their surgery. This is important to know. Almost all, however, should have the iodine treatment if a cure is to be expected. Patients with medullary cnaecr of the thyroid usually do not need iodine therapy because medullary cnaecrs almost never absorb the radioactive iodine. Some small papillary cnaecrs treated with a total thyroidectomy may not need iodine therapy as well, but for a different reason.These cnaecrs (medullary and some small papillary cnaecrs) are often cured with simple (complete) surgical therapy alone. This varies from patient to patient and from cnaecr to cnaecr. This decision will be made between the surgeon, the patient, and the referring endocrinologist or internist. Remember, radioactive iodine therapy is extremely safe. If you need it, take it.

Escrito por Mike a las 22 de Febrero 2015 a las 08:12 PM

But even if you didn't notice atyihnng in a few months, there could still be benefits if you continued doing it for years. I'm not sure this short experiment really tells you atyihnng more than that you didn't feel really energetic after a few months of iodine. You could still have lots of benefits on cellular level that you don't really notice on the surface, at least not just in a few months.

Escrito por Hanok a las 3 de Abril 2015 a las 03:13 PM

see the progress you have made. The fact that we are ready to make this eceeripnxe much easier. diagnosis of thyroid cancer 5 Tips Visit the oncologist Prepare Your doctor suspects you may have system, thyroid gland is a part. If your doctor has positive results for cancer, then would you

Escrito por Jerzy a las 2 de Mayo 2015 a las 10:19 PM
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